Euthanasia by definition means "the practice (illegal in most countries) of
killing somebody without pain who wants to die because he/she is suffering
from a disease that cannot be cured" - means it's a kind of
"painless murder" with a legal permission for a kind intention
to relieve the person from some pain or trauma. - The task here, is asking
you to suggest your opinion how justifiable is this?
Band 7+ Sample Answer
Firstly, making euthanasia legal might attract some unlawful uses of such permission. By this, what I mean is, if people get legal permission to end someone's life, chances are high that this permission gets misused. For instance, if a person is suffering with a disease, his family members might kill him for the sake of money or other benefits with the help of legal permission to end his life from under the name of euthanasia.
Secondly, I feel, such a law is not right on ethical ground. Each person has the right to enjoy their every single moment of unrepeatable life, and snatching it from them, is against humanity. The humanity believes in hope and miracles, if someone is suffering with uncurable disease, and even the medical science says there isn't any chance of recovery, there is always a hope of miracle to happen, for the sake of that last hope, we should not end someone's life, merely for saving expenses.
1) Introduction must talk about the subject and state your position clearly.
2) In opinion based essay (Agree Disagree Essay) we state our position and support it with valid arguments throughout all paragraphs.
The layout should reflect this clearly.
Intro (Introduce topic + state position)
Body passage-1 (with your own view)
Body passage-2 (with your own view)
Conclusion (summarize all ideas + position)
Read all my paragraphs and compare this layout, observe how have I shared my opinion (in all the paragraphs), how have I supported it with valid arguments (in both the body passages), how have I developed my arguments in body passages, how have I summarized all ideas in conclusion ?