Some people believe that childhood is the best stage of happiness. While others believe that a person can enjoy more happiness in other stages of life. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

Childhood, happy children, Children Vs old age people happy elders ?

 Our discussed ideas were...

What things made you happy in the childhood but not today?) The points can be:
- No major responsibilities,
- Less maturity means less burden and less stress,
- More freedom of time,
- Family members to take care and pamper

Now, think the other part. What things can make someone happier in their young age or what limits our happiness in childhood?
- Freedom to do what we want,
- More understanding about interests/passion-leads to sense of satisfaction
and achievement,
- More socialization means more sharing,
- Ability to explore more - For example - driving, voting, traveling rights...

Sample Answer:

Happiness is one of the most desirable state of mind, wished to be achieved by everyone. However, some are of the opinion that such a feeling is attainable more in childhood, I side with those who feel happiness is enjoyed more at later age because, I feel the value of happiness is realized at a mature age. 

To commence, on the one hand, it could be argued that childhood is the golden period of life and it is the happiest period because it has no major burden or responsibility. This is quite obvious as childhood is free of major decision making, major responsibility sharing or any other tough traumas of life. Moreover, it is also claimed that in childhood, a person has no major stress or tension of any other things like - job, money, relations, society and all- which are usually responsible to stretch happiness from one's life. A child is generally not mature enough to understand these serious issues and so they can enjoy their life in their own way, without the pressure of time or stress management. 

However, I, on the other hand, believe that happiness is a feeling and that is valued more when we are able to realize it. In childhood, a child is free of worry, but feeling happy is a kind of sense of pleasure, which can be attained more by having sense of satisfaction or sense of achievement. A teenager feels happy when falls in love and gets good response from the other side or a university student feels ecstatic when they achieve the highest grade in the final exams. This sense of happiness is not comparable to the feeling of free-life of childhood. Moreover, I feel the value of happiness is realized much better when one has struggled to achieve it, just like succeeding in a start-up after failing in many interviews, can make someone much happier than a child who receives his toys from parents on his demand. A feeling of being a father, seeing their child breaking records of success or celebrating a golden jubilee of their marriage anniversary is far stringer than a child's happiness on his own birthday.

To sum up, childhood and adult life have their own share of ups and downs and hence, the different definitions of happiness. Although lack of responsibility may make infants' life pleasurable, I still believe that it is the fulfillment of one's dreams and aspirations that makes one understand the real value and meaning of happiness. Therefore, I assert that happiness is more enjoyed in later stages of life. 

(Words:428, sentences:15- Observe my grammar and try to learn the complex patterns to cover these many words just in 15 sentences. You should write less words- I am writing more to give you more ideas) 👍All the best !


Vishal Modi

I love to learn and share and help people to achieve their dreams, of course I help myself achieving my own dreams through this journey. :))

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